Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Okay, I admit it. I've been a total blog slacker. Family, work...LIFE, got in the way.

That is so appropriate, because this blog is about LIFE. It is about life in a family for children whose first families and cultures had no place for them.

Today, as it has been on many days, this blog is about the LIFE of one little boy and one particular family.

The boy is that little sleepy-head in the picture, Paul.

The family is Charlie and Melissa House, who have persevered through disappointment and heartache to the point where their paperwork is complete and submitted to the country in Eastern Europe where Paul lives. (You can read their update here).

In this process the projected cost of thier adoption has changed. It has increased from $30,000 to $33,000. (I updated the thermometer on the side of the blog to reflect this change).

Why is it that the cost of adoption never goes down? Why does it cost so much to ransom a child from life in an institution? I don't know the answers to those questions, but I do know that the value of a child's life is beyond cost. Paul's value is priceless.

Charlie and Melissa are now only $2,000 from their original fundraising goal. The increased cost of Paul's adoption makes it more crucial than ever that we help them to meet that goal. We can do it. After all, Paul is priceless.

ipad 2 giveaway

The Senti family is doing an ipad 2 giveaway to help raise money to bring home this little cutie.

Adding a Senti: 4 days left!: "Only 4 days left to have your chance at winning the ipad 2! Just click HERE to make a tax deductable donation and get entered into the giv..."

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Generosity is such a beautiful thing. My little guy--the one who can be absolutely reckless as he rushes through life--has the most generous spirit. He is always giving away his things to his brother, friends and cousins. I love his generous spirit and try to encourage it whenever I can.

Charissa Browning is another person with a generous spirit. She is doing a give away on her blog to help the Burger family bring home this little guy, Brian, from an orphanage in Eastern Europe. AND she is doing it with some great prizes.

Check out the giveaway on Charissa's blog to learn more about Brian and how you can help.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A 7 day blitz for kirill.

Remember Kirill? He is the little boy with Down Syndrome who was deemed socially unadoptable in his own country. Well, his prospective adoptive parents have taken an appeal and some fellow A-Moms are doing a 7 day give away to raise the additional funds they need. There is every reason to hope that the Davis family will be able to adopt Kirill eventually, since the same judge who found Kirill unadoptable allowed another child with Down Syndrome to be adopted last week. Yeah!

Follow the link to learn more:

our perfectly imperfect life: a 7 day blitz for kirill.: "On March 17, 2011, the Davis family sat in a Russian courtroom and listened as the judge rejected their plea to adopt Kirill, an orphan with..."