Losing Martin...: Moving Forward...: "Well, we have finally had 'the discussion'. The one about what our next move is going to be. We have known all along that we still want to a..."
After some tough times, the House family is ready to move forward again in this crazy world of international adoption. In Melissa's words: "I have not given up on Martin and most likely never will. He will always be in my thoughts. I will always wonder where he is and how he's doing, but I know that there is another little boy out there that needs our family. So we are off to finish this crazy, insane journey and bring home our son, whoever he may be."
If Charlie and Melissa can keep their eyes focused on a child's need for a family, then I think that we can too. Wadda ya say? Let's continue to help support them to bring their son home, "whoever he may be."
The Adoption book and Green with Envy Jewelry give aways were supposed to end on Monday, but I am going to continue them through March 17.
This is Martin. It is not his real name, but he is a real boy, and this is his real picture. Martin was born with Down Syndrome and lived in an orphanage in Eastern Europe for five years, until his family brought him home rather than see him live in an adult mental institution. Martin is the inspiration for many people working to bring hope and families to children with disabilities living in orphanages and institutions around the world.

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Please pray
Tuesday night I was sitting at the computer, checking my email. It was just after midnight and everyone else was asleep, even the dog. It is during this quiet peaceful time that I sometimes pray, and do all those little jobs that just don't get done during the rest of the day.
Melissa House emailed me then to let me know that they had received word that Martin was no longer available for adoption, his first family had come to take him home. No more information was available. I should have responded to Melissa, I knew her heart was broken, I knew she was awake, the email had just come through, but I shut the lid on my computer and just sat there and cried.
I cried for Melissa and Charlie, stepping out in faith in response to God's call. I cried for their grief at the loss of this child of their hearts. Not knowing whether their child will be safe, cherished, loved, is something that no parent should have to go through. I cried for Martin who may never know the love of this wonderful family, may never live in a country where he can go to his neighborhood school. I cried for me, my own selfish tears.
And yet, and yet, God is good. God is good and what a blessing if Martin's first family's hearts have opened to him. A blessing to them, a blessing to Martin, a blessing to their whole country. Who knows how many lives Martin may touch? Who knows what changes he may bring?
God is good, and I know with all my heart that, ultimately, all will be well. But sometimes, in this life, ultimately is beyond what we can see. And sometimes the pain between now and ultimately can feel like more than we can bear.
Now is a time for prayer. Please pray for Melissa and Charlie, as they live the unbearable grief of this time. Ask the Lord to comfort them and to give them the grace to lean on Him, and remain open to hearing and following His call. Ask the Lord to give them peace in the knowledge that He loves Martin even more than any of us can imagine.
Please pray for Martin's first family, that they will love, protect and cherish Martin, and appreciate this wonderful gift they have been given. That they will be true parents to Martin, acting always in his best interest.
And please pray for our boy Martin. I know I will, every day.
Melissa House emailed me then to let me know that they had received word that Martin was no longer available for adoption, his first family had come to take him home. No more information was available. I should have responded to Melissa, I knew her heart was broken, I knew she was awake, the email had just come through, but I shut the lid on my computer and just sat there and cried.
I cried for Melissa and Charlie, stepping out in faith in response to God's call. I cried for their grief at the loss of this child of their hearts. Not knowing whether their child will be safe, cherished, loved, is something that no parent should have to go through. I cried for Martin who may never know the love of this wonderful family, may never live in a country where he can go to his neighborhood school. I cried for me, my own selfish tears.
And yet, and yet, God is good. God is good and what a blessing if Martin's first family's hearts have opened to him. A blessing to them, a blessing to Martin, a blessing to their whole country. Who knows how many lives Martin may touch? Who knows what changes he may bring?
God is good, and I know with all my heart that, ultimately, all will be well. But sometimes, in this life, ultimately is beyond what we can see. And sometimes the pain between now and ultimately can feel like more than we can bear.
Now is a time for prayer. Please pray for Melissa and Charlie, as they live the unbearable grief of this time. Ask the Lord to comfort them and to give them the grace to lean on Him, and remain open to hearing and following His call. Ask the Lord to give them peace in the knowledge that He loves Martin even more than any of us can imagine.
Please pray for Martin's first family, that they will love, protect and cherish Martin, and appreciate this wonderful gift they have been given. That they will be true parents to Martin, acting always in his best interest.
And please pray for our boy Martin. I know I will, every day.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Inch by inch...

That was always one of my favorite songs. I was singing it to myself just now as I updated the amount of money available in Martin's Reece's Rainbow adoption grant funds in the fundraising thermometer on the side of the blog.
The amount raised to date is....drum roll please...$13,991. Wow! (can I say that again?) Wow!
Maybe it's just the warm weather yesterday, the melting snow, the seed catalogues arriving in the mail, the promise of spring in the air, but I can't get that song (or the gardening analogy) out of my head.
Martin is like a tender young seedling in a harsh environment. Charlie and Melissa House are the master gardeners who will bring this seedling home and plant it in fertile soil, nourish it and cherish it, until it grows into the beautiful, fruitful plant it was meant to be.
Let's support the gardeners by praying for them and helping the funds in the House Family FSP continue to inch forward to their goal, the money that will allow them to bring Martin home.
Remember, all contributions are tax deductible, no contribution is too small, and contributions of $5 or more or spreading the word on facebook or your own blog (and leaving a comment here to let me know about the contribution or reposting), will get you entered into one of the give aways.

Monday, February 7, 2011
Some thoughts on adoption
With her permission, I am cutting and pasting Bethany's post from Our Perfectly Imperfect Life. Enjoy.
Adoption. It's been on my mind lately.

I'm sort of going out on a limb when I say this, but I have never been a fan of preaching adoption. There are some in this wonderful world of ours who believe that is it everyone's duty to adopt. I get that ... I get that the bible says that is what we should do.

Religion that our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. ~James 1:27

And I'm really going out on a limb when I say this, but I also do not believe that everyone has what it takes to adopt. Yet, I do believe that everyone has what it takes to help protect an orphan.

He blesses those who provide for the orphan. ~Deuteronomy 14:29

Adopting a child is a very exciting thing ... saving innocence from danger. Adopting a child is also a very rewarding thing ... but it is really hard too. Really hard. Once the excitement of the adoption wears off, you have a child on your hands. A child that you do not know ... and a child that does not know you.

My friend Leah said it well, as she waited to bring her son home ...
When parenting [step children], you do not love them right away, and they do not love you. Sometimes it takes years before you feel honest "love" toward them. You care about them! And you nurture them! But that is very different than a mother/child love bond, or a father/child love bond. It just really depends upon the chemistry between you and the child. Sometimes it is there, and sometimes it is not. I think that people are surprised when they bring a child into their home and that bond is not automatic, or in their eyes takes way too long to develop. Sometimes you love the child long before the child loves you in return. Sometimes it is the other way around.
Part of the reason this bond is different is because an older child comes with other people's habits. You didn't get to develop these habits, and they can be very annoying to you as a parent. It can be very difficult to not blame the child for these habits that they had established since they were small and suddenly you want them to change and do things your way.

Very wise words ... if I do say so myself. Eventually the hurdles fade into the past ... and a time comes that life isn't so much about bonding and attachment ... but simply living life. The rewards are grand and they only get so much sweeter.

These babies? They are waiting to come home. They are waiting to make life grand for their new family ... how can you help?
:: Cox family, adopting Kareen ... donate here ... iPad raffle ends 2.5.11
:: Patti, raising money for three orphans ... Pure Love giveaway ends 2.10.11
:: Senti family, adopting Ember ... donate here ... Gucci watch raffle ends 2.12.11
:: Dickinson family, adopting Masha ... iPad raffle ends 2.25.11
:: Filmore family, adopting Anya ... donate here {court date: 2.22.11}
:: Davis family, adopting Kirill ... donate here {court date: 3.17.11}
:: Higbie family, adopting Lera and ... donate here
:: House family, adopting Martin ... donate here
:: Sader family, adopting Melanie ... donate here
:: Dirkes family, adopting Charlotte ... donate here
:: Maddex family, adopting Danil ... donate here
:: Smith family, adopting Yana ... donate here
Adoptive families ... I know there are so many of you out there. If you would like to be included in this post, please email me at bethanybalsis@mac.com with your info.
PS ... isn't it funny that never once in this post did I mention Down syndrome? That was not intentional ... it just isn't relevant. Well, it is relevant in that the future of babes with Down syndrome in other countries is horrid. That is why we need to get them home.
PPS ... and yeah, all of the beautiful babes in this post have Down syndrome. Oh, you already knew that? Ha.
Update: Adding in other great adoption fundraisers ... outside of the Down syndrome community ...
:: Johnson family, adopting Kasidi ...Canon Rebel T1i raffle ends 2.7.11
:: Lori and family ... adopting Elijah and Isaiah ... gift card raffle ends 2.16.11
:: Hurley family ... adopting AJ and Jenna Elizabeth ... iPad raffle ends 3.5.11
Adoption. It's been on my mind lately.
{Addison came home from Russia in November 2008 ... read more about it here}
I'm sort of going out on a limb when I say this, but I have never been a fan of preaching adoption. There are some in this wonderful world of ours who believe that is it everyone's duty to adopt. I get that ... I get that the bible says that is what we should do.
{Sofia came home from Ukraine in June 2010 ... read more about it here}
Religion that our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. ~James 1:27
{Alina came home from Ukraine in April 2010 ... read more about it here}
And I'm really going out on a limb when I say this, but I also do not believe that everyone has what it takes to adopt. Yet, I do believe that everyone has what it takes to help protect an orphan.
{Evangeline came home from Ukraine in August 2009 ... read more about it here}
He blesses those who provide for the orphan. ~Deuteronomy 14:29
{Jacob came home from Ukraine in June 2009 ... read more about it here}
Adopting a child is a very exciting thing ... saving innocence from danger. Adopting a child is also a very rewarding thing ... but it is really hard too. Really hard. Once the excitement of the adoption wears off, you have a child on your hands. A child that you do not know ... and a child that does not know you.
{John David came home from Ukraine in November 2010 ... read more about it here}
My friend Leah said it well, as she waited to bring her son home ...
We don't expect that Axel is going to get off that plane, walk into our home and be a smiley, giggly boy who can hardly wait to get on with life.
When parenting [step children], you do not love them right away, and they do not love you. Sometimes it takes years before you feel honest "love" toward them. You care about them! And you nurture them! But that is very different than a mother/child love bond, or a father/child love bond. It just really depends upon the chemistry between you and the child. Sometimes it is there, and sometimes it is not. I think that people are surprised when they bring a child into their home and that bond is not automatic, or in their eyes takes way too long to develop. Sometimes you love the child long before the child loves you in return. Sometimes it is the other way around.
Part of the reason this bond is different is because an older child comes with other people's habits. You didn't get to develop these habits, and they can be very annoying to you as a parent. It can be very difficult to not blame the child for these habits that they had established since they were small and suddenly you want them to change and do things your way.
{Reese came home from Ukraine in March 2009 ... read more about it here}
Very wise words ... if I do say so myself. Eventually the hurdles fade into the past ... and a time comes that life isn't so much about bonding and attachment ... but simply living life. The rewards are grand and they only get so much sweeter.
These babies? They are waiting to come home. They are waiting to make life grand for their new family ... how can you help?
:: Patti, raising money for three orphans ... Pure Love giveaway ends 2.10.11
:: Senti family, adopting Ember ... donate here ... Gucci watch raffle ends 2.12.11
:: Dickinson family, adopting Masha ... iPad raffle ends 2.25.11
:: Filmore family, adopting Anya ... donate here {court date: 2.22.11}
:: Davis family, adopting Kirill ... donate here {court date: 3.17.11}
:: Higbie family, adopting Lera and ... donate here
:: House family, adopting Martin ... donate here
:: Sader family, adopting Melanie ... donate here
:: Dirkes family, adopting Charlotte ... donate here
:: Maddex family, adopting Danil ... donate here
:: Smith family, adopting Yana ... donate here
Adoptive families ... I know there are so many of you out there. If you would like to be included in this post, please email me at bethanybalsis@mac.com with your info.
PS ... isn't it funny that never once in this post did I mention Down syndrome? That was not intentional ... it just isn't relevant. Well, it is relevant in that the future of babes with Down syndrome in other countries is horrid. That is why we need to get them home.
PPS ... and yeah, all of the beautiful babes in this post have Down syndrome. Oh, you already knew that? Ha.
Update: Adding in other great adoption fundraisers ... outside of the Down syndrome community ...
:: Johnson family, adopting Kasidi ...
:: Lori and family ... adopting Elijah and Isaiah ... gift card raffle ends 2.16.11
:: Hurley family ... adopting AJ and Jenna Elizabeth ... iPad raffle ends 3.5.11
Challenge met!
Okay, guess what? The Monday Challenge worked. (See the post from this morning). As of 9 o'clock this morning there was $6,212 in the House Family FSP when the Monday Morning Challenge went out to raise $153 today, increasing the FSP to $6,365 by the end of the day.
As of 10 o'clock tonight, the FSP was $6,443! We are $78 over the Challenge.
Thank you.
As of 10 o'clock tonight, the FSP was $6,443! We are $78 over the Challenge.
Thank you.
How about a little Monday morning challenge?
Check out the fundraising thermometer on the right side of this blog. Do you see that? As of 9 o'clock this morning, Martin has $9,847 available in his combined adoption grant funds. Still, a long way from the $30,000 that his adoption will cost, but getting there.
On Saturday, Martin's family held a big fundraising party. They are still counting up the proceeds, but I think it would make a wonderful gift for them, if we could make sure that money was added to $10,000, rather than to $9,847, don't you?
So here is my Monday morning challenge, let's try to raise $153 for Martin today. That's only $1 from 153 people, or $5 from 31 people, or $10 from 15 people...you get the picture.
And, if you leave a comment or email that you made a donation, and which give away you would like to be entered into, you will be entered into the Green-with-Envy Jewelry give away or the Adoption, Choosing It, Living It, Loving It book give away.
Come on, lets get the House Family FSP from $6,212 up to $6,365 by the end of the day.
On Saturday, Martin's family held a big fundraising party. They are still counting up the proceeds, but I think it would make a wonderful gift for them, if we could make sure that money was added to $10,000, rather than to $9,847, don't you?
So here is my Monday morning challenge, let's try to raise $153 for Martin today. That's only $1 from 153 people, or $5 from 31 people, or $10 from 15 people...you get the picture.
And, if you leave a comment or email that you made a donation, and which give away you would like to be entered into, you will be entered into the Green-with-Envy Jewelry give away or the Adoption, Choosing It, Living It, Loving It book give away.
Come on, lets get the House Family FSP from $6,212 up to $6,365 by the end of the day.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Cornish Adoption Journey: Today’s tears (iPad giveaway and more!)
Follow this link to read a great post from a wonderful mom with a heart for adoption who really walks the talk, and is doing a great giveaway to raise funds for the airfare, $5,000, to help another family bring their child home.
Cornish Adoption Journey: Today’s tears (iPad giveaway and more!): "I tried really hard to post about Wesley’s birthday without any tears. I might have succeeded. Maybe… Then I tried to hold them..."
Cornish Adoption Journey: Today’s tears (iPad giveaway and more!): "I tried really hard to post about Wesley’s birthday without any tears. I might have succeeded. Maybe… Then I tried to hold them..."
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Green-with-Envy Jewelry Give Away
Well be jealous no more, because this beautiful jewelry set, is now the subject of a give away here to raise money for Martin's adoption grant! Yeah!
The colors are beautiful, and the necklace is just so lovely! Don't get me wrong, the bracelet is great, beautiful, sparkling and alive with those gorgeous greens that make your skin look mah-velous. But the necklace is funky, trendy, unique, just something special.
The Green-with-Envy jewelry give away will run from through the month of February. To enter, just make a tax deductable contribution to Reece's Rainbow to help bring Martin home, and e-mail me or leave a comment here, letting me know you made the contribution.
$5 per entry, 5 entries for $20.
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