He was also kind enough to donate an autographed copy of his latest book Adoption: Choosing It, Living It, Loving It as a fundraiser for Martin's adoption.
"Ray Guarendi, psychologist, husband and father of ten adopted children, considers the most commonly asked adoption questions with insight, humor and a heart for the adoptive family. His aim? To dispel unsettling misperceptions about adoption, to encourage others to think about and act on adoption, and to guide adoptive parents to a more relaxed, rewarding family life for all involved."
Hmm wisdom on adoption from one who has BTDT and helping to bring a child home. Sounds like a win-win to me.
Here's what you need to do, just make a donation of $5 or more to the House Family's FSP by clicking on the the button at right or by mailing you check to:
Reece's Rainbow
PO Box 4024
Gaithersburg, MD 20885
If paying by check, be sure to write "Martin for the House Family" in the memo line.
For every $5 you donate your name will be entered into the giveaway, or for $20 your name will be entered 5 times. The winner will be chosen at random and I will pay for the postage to get it to you.
After you make your donation, send me an email at hope4martin@yahoo.com letting me know that you contributed, how much you contributed, and how I can contact you, if you are the winner. You are on your honor here, people, so don't email until after your contribution to Martin's FSP has been made. Also, I am planning some other giveaways, so please tell me in your email that you want to be entered into the Adoption: Choosing It, Living It, Loving It giveaway. Don't forget to send me the email, since that is what I will use to decide who is in.
Now, to whet your appetites, here is a little adoption wisdom from Dr. Ray.
"Not all may understand your decision to adopt. Sometimes those disagreeing most loudly are close relatives. Most often the adoptee will win them over in time, as they come to know and love her. Even if not, do not let the opinion of others overrule your decision to adopt. The full favor of all may be ideal; it is not critical to the well-being of your child. Your love and that of others will more than compensate for what's lacking elsewhere." Guarendi, R. Adoption: Choosing It, Living It, Loving It, p. 86 (2009).
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