Remember how I just could not get Martin out of my head? Remember how I needed to do something to find him a family? Well, there is another mom out there who feels the same way about Kolya, and she is offering her engagement ring to try to find a family for him.
Kolya turns 11 in July, so he is exactly one year younger than my big guy! Wow, it will take a confident family to move forward to bring home a child that age, but nonetheless, still a child (just like my big guy), still in need of a family to love and parent him. He is described by his friends, the orphanage workers who so want him to find a home, as "a really good and loyal man."
Go here to read what this mom has to say about Kolya.
Along The Road: While We Wait: "While we sit waiting for the next step, there is a little boy that I must share with you all: 'Kolya' Region 15. Love him? Contact Reese's..."
Then go here to read more about Koyla. There is a newer picture than the one I have here, and he looks a bit thinner to me. Maybe Koyla is just having a growth spurt like so many boys his age do. Or maybe he just really needs to come home, so his mother can spoil him with macaroni and cheese, and his father can take him for a special treat at the DQ.
Do you have room in your heart and in your home for "a really good and loyal man"?
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