Fly me to the moon, let me play around the stars...everytime I sing that song the lyrics are a little different, but it always feels good. Imagine playing among the stars?

Know what else makes me feel good? The House Family has completed their paperwork and submitted it to Paul's country. This is a time of waiting, and right now they are are just waiting to hear on their travel date! (I get teary just thinking about it.)
Paul's country traditionally requires two trips, but some regions (like the one where Paul lives) are now requiring adoptive families to make three trips.
With the cost of fuel and airfare constantly rising, the cost of travel is huge.
So, who wants the honor of buying Paul his ticket home? It could be YOU! Imagine what a privilege, what a thrill that would be? It would be like dancing among the stars!
Do you have transferable frequent flier miles? Would you be willing to donate them to cover Paul's trip from an institution in Easter Europe to a home and family?

If you and 24 friends have $100 each to contribute, that would be $2,500 toward the travel costs?
How about you and 99 friends giving $25 each?
Or 250 friends could get together and contribute $2,500 for just $10 each! Now that could be a challenge for someone with 250 facebook friends.
Imagine Paul flying home to his family. Now imagine that you were able to play a part in flying him home. Fly me to the'd be singing that song for weeks.
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